Open calls

Deadline for project submission to Balkan Watchers extended

Balkanski Dokumentarni Centar najavljuje produljenje roka za prijavu projekata za Balkan Watchers;...

Novi javni pozivi za prijave na projekte

Program Kreativna Europa pruža brojne mogućnosti za razvoj i financiranje projekata u području...

New public calls for project applications have been opened

A new opportunity to finance innovative projects at the European level!

Eight public calls for project applications have been opened

Creative Europe, the largest program of the European Union to support the cultural and creative sector, once again...

Training courses

The application deadline is December 31, 2024. MEDIA supports a number of training programs in production, company management...

Films on the Move

The application deadline is 18 July 2024. The Films on the Move campaign supports the wider distribution of recent...

European Film Sales

Application deadline 6/20/2024 European Sales Agent funding supports wider transnational...
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