
The Culture sub-programme of the Creative Europe program supports a wide range of cultural and creative sectors, including:

  • architecture
  • cultural heritage
  • design
  • literature and publishing
  • music
  • performing arts

and they support the cross-sectoral cooperation of cultural workers from different countries, the activities of European institutions for inclusion in the networks of workers from different countries, the activities of organizations that provide a platform for the development of new talents and the promotion of the circulation of artists and their works, ideas and skills. All legal entities (public and private) can participate in the Program, such as institutions, institutions and organizations, but also national, regional and local authorities whose main activity belongs to the scope of culture, which includes theaters, libraries, museums, galleries, publishing houses, educational institutions, research centers, professional associations, etc.

The Culture sub-program encourages cooperation and exchange between cultural organizations and artists in Europe and beyond. The goal of the Creative Europe program is:

  • to encourage artistic creation and innovation
  • to support the promotion and distribution of European contents throughout Europe and beyond
  • to help artists find opportunities to create and perform across borders
  • to encourage the digital and ecological transition of European cultural and creative sectors.
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