Lokacija: Sarajevo, Bosna i Hercegovina

Tel: 38761802080



Kategorija: Ples Nematerijalna kultura Digitalna umjetnost Zanatski rad Izdavaštvo

Kratak opis organizacije: ARTIS is an association that arose out of a need to organize cultural events, cultural education, concerts and festivals in Sarajevo and Bosnia and Herzegovina. The decades-long experience of our members in culture and the organization of cultural events in Bosnia and Herzegovina is a guarantee that our projects and activities will be truly successful. We believe that a group of people, experts from various spheres of life and culture in Bosnia and Herzegovina, gathered around the idea of ARTIS, will really succeed in organizing top cultural content and education for our fellow citizens.

The ARTIS association has successfully implemented so far:

Concert of the national LADO Ensemble from Croatia “LADO in Sarajevo”
International festival of traditional singing “PJESMO MOJA, MIO RAZGOVORE…”
Concert of the Turkish music group GÖNÜLDEN “Musical journey from Andolia to the Balkans”

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