Films on the Move


18. 7. 2024.

The Action Films on the Move supports the wider distribution of recent non-national European films by encouraging sales agents and cinema distributors in particular to invest in the promotion and appropriate distribution of non-national European films.

What is the purpose of the funding?

The European Film Sales support shall encourage and support the wider transnational distribution of recent European films by providing funds to European sales agents, based upon their performance on the market, for further reinvestment in the acquisition, promotion and distribution (including online) of recent non-national European films.
Improvement in the trans-national distribution of recent non-national European films.
Increase in the investment in the production, acquisition, promotion, theatrical and online distribution of non-national European films.
Develop links between the production and distribution sector thus improving the position of non-national European films.

Who can apply?

Applicants must be European sales agents. A European sales agent is a company that acts as an intermediary agent for a producer, which specializes in the commercial exploitation of a film by marketing and licensing the film to distributors or other buyers for foreign countries.
​The friend must be appointed by the producer of the submitted film through an international sales contract that gives the right to sell the film in at least 15 countries participating in the MEDIA program.
Applicants must have a business establishment in one of the countries that fully participate in the MEDIA Strand of the Creative Europe program and be directly or indirectly, fully or majority owned by citizens of those countries. When a company is publicly listed on the stock exchange, this will in principle determine where the stock exchange is located.

What amount can be declared?

Raspoloživi proračun poziva iznosi 16.000.000 €. Proračun je indikativno podijeljen na sljedeći način:
40% za prvi krajnji datum
60% za 2. presječni datum
Najviše 25% proračuna bit će dodijeljeno filmovima s produkcijskim proračunom
iznad 10.000.000 €.
Proračun projekta (maksimalni iznos bespovratnih sredstava): Bez ograničenja.
Dodijeljena potpora može biti niža od traženog iznosa.

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