Fondacija za kulturni, edukativni i socijalni razvoj “Publika”

Lokacija: Sarajevo, Bosna i Hercegovina

Tel: 38761227794



Kategorija: Nematerijalna kultura Prijevodi

Kratak opis organizacije: Born in 2011 from the publishing house that had the same name, “Publika” is a non-profit and non-governmental foundation which originally worked on promotion of Bosnian comic book authors. Aside from publishing their works in the media, there were a number of activities aimed at children and young people, including children with developmental disabilities.

Since 2016 “Publika” has focused on providing post-graduate specialist training for literary translators. The initiative entitled TransLab – The Literary Translation Laboratory has already become trademark within the translators’ community in Bosnia and Herzegovina. “Publika” cooperates with other organizations that share the same goals and has lasting relations with a number of donors and sponsors, including several embassies.

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