Udruženje za sport i rekreaciju “Altair”

Lokacija: Sarajevo, Bosna i Hercegovina

Tel: 38765267274

Email: info@sow.ba

Web: http://www.sow.ba

Kategorija: Glazba Nematerijalna kultura Digitalna umjetnost Grafički dizajn Kreativno pisanje Arhitektura

Kratak opis organizacije: Our organization is the placeholder for the project Sarajevo Olympic Week which is being realized with the support of the International Olympic Committee, and the City of Sarajevo. The festival Sarajevo Olympic Week is a symbiosis of culture and sports and the instigator for many events in Sarajevo and Bosnia and Herzegovina predominately in the Winter period when the City is in a bit of a hiatus for now.

The project will become an annual festival which will create a hub of culture and sports as a way to bridge the gap between the two, creating a foundation for future generations on modern ways to building and improve the cultural and sports scene through usage of the importance of the Olympic legacy.

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