Lokacija: Sarajevo, Bosna i Hercegovina
Tel: 38761560666
Email: bascarsija@folklor.ba
Web: http://www.folklor.ba
Kategorija: Ples Nematerijalna kultura Fotografija Zanatski rad Izdavaštvo
Kratak opis organizacije: Bascarsija is a true representative of authentic Bosnia and Herzegovina cultural heritage, folklore, dances, songs and costumes. Our work is based on the profession, experts from culture, systematic work and traditional presentation of the folklore heritage and tradition of the existence for more than seven decades. The great richness of this institution and group is the authenticity, originality and artistic value of the Bosnian and Herzegovinian and ex-Yu repertoire of choreography and stage settings. All choreographies and stage settings are set by the greatest and most distinguished experts in the field of folklore and related sciences. Bascarsija is an institution that owns a large collection of original folklore costumes, clothing items, stage costumes and accesories, traditional jewelery and a large number of musical instruments for orchestration and traditional music.