Bosnian Memorial Museums

Lokacija: Sarajevo, Mostar, Bosna i Hercegovina

Tel: 38761906942



Kategorija: Materijalna kultura – muzeji Izdavaštvo

Kratak opis organizacije: A private institution of culture The Bosnian Memorial Museums were founded in 2016. As an institution of culture, Bosnian Memorial Museums have founded three museums:

Museum of Crimes Against Humanity 1992-1995 in 2016 in Sarajevo

Museum of War and Genocide Victims 1992–1995 in 2018 in Mostar and

The Siege of Sarajevo Museum in 2023 in Sarajevo

Museums haven’t been established in a conventional way; they are the creation of those who needed their stories to be shared and the tragedies of their beloved ones to be seen, so the museums have become a sanctuary for the ones whose voices are not heard enough. Museums are the achievements of individuals who have fought against all odds to found really successful institutions of culture, which is a consequence of neglecting of the victims and the culture of remembrance by the official state.

The institution dedicates its work and mission to represent the victims side of the story and their tragedies lived through aggression over Bosnia and Herzegovina from 1992–1995, while at the same time keeping remembrance of ordinary people and fighting for peace and coexistence by learning and educating from the past. So we are proud to be partners with many schools and universities and to be the first place where students educate themselves about aggression between 1992 and 1995. Our museums are also visited as part of therapy visits by many former members and soldiers of UN forces who have been in Bosnia during the aggression and want to share their stories and experiences with the rest of the world.

Not only by exhibiting personal belongings, items from the period of aggression, documentaries, or video footage, but also by publishing, we present the reality of the war to the rest of the world. Our publications have been translated into five world languages: English, French, Italian, Turkish, and German.

The Bosnian Memorial Museums have one of the biggest archives with thousands of documents, items, statements, videos, and photographs from the period of aggression over Bosnia and Herzegovina.

These reasons and our constant hard work have made our museums one of the most visited in Bosnia and Herzegovina and the first tourist attractions in the cities of Sarajevo and Mostar. Our mission goes much further than being a touristic place or a museum, which is why we have been working as partners or creators on many projects and research projects regarding the culture of remembrance, history, tourism, dark tourism, post-conflict society, genocide, and similar topics.

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